The Fix



There is no way to describe this concert and give it true justice.  Either you were there or you weren't.  My Bloody Valentine is a band that lives in high esteem from its fans and on September 27th, 2008, we packed the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago to capacity (over 3000 people) and enjoyed one of the loudest concerts ever.  Seriously, they were allowed to play without any noise restriction.  Earplugs were given out at the door and those who wanted to hear ANYTHING the next week were well-served by wearing them that night (I did).

The band formed in the 80's and split in the 90's, producing only two true full-length albums.  They embody the musical sound known as "shoegaze" (imagine that to mean exactly as it sounds).  I won't go into the history of the band, but you can check it out for yourself here:

The reunion tour is sometimes besmirched as being a quick paycheck for bands (has-beens and legends both).  Most realize that a reunion is easier said than done with many groups and may never happen again (The Police), while some are impossible to reunite at all (Talking Heads).  The reformation of one of alternative music's pre-eminent groups is a milestone for rock and a blessing for those who never thought they'd see it happen.  You can check out a few YouTube clips below to get a taste of what it was like (though they still cannot compare to the live event itself).

That third link I posted is a soundless clip from the show's finale, the "holocaust of noise" that followed "You Made Me Realize".  Trust me, it was the equivalent of being inside a jet engine at capacity and no audio device can properly capture it.  From my vantage point near the sound board in the middle of the venue I saw every. single. level. was at max.  No faltering either, all solidly at the top... some in the red.  It was the most amazing zen-like feeling you can experience, knowing it's probably as close as you can get to being "inside" music.  A few times I'd hold my arm up to feel the waves of sound that were tangibly in the air.  I have never tripped out on drugs before, so I only know the euphoric feeling that was provided through the "eargasm" that was the show's 20-minute finale.  A fitting closure that could be nothing else, only all-encompassing sound.  I look forward to the next concert that can blow me away, but I understand that it may never match the My Bloody Valentine show.

Set List:
I Only Said - When You Sleep - You Never Should - When You Wake - Cigarette In Your Bed - Come In Alone - Only Shallow - Thorn - Nothing Much To Lose - To Here Knows When - Slow - Soon - Feed Me With Your Kiss - You Made Me Realise