The Fix



TROPIC THUNDER a film that is a complete satire of Hollywood, the people within it and the way movies are made.  It's an action-comedy.  It's ridiculous.  It's hilarious.  I've never seen a movie that begins the way this one does with it's faux ads and trailers, introducing you to the stars of the picture one at a time.  It starts off very strong and is overexaggerated in just the right ways.

Ben Stiller and crew are making a Vietnam war movie.  For realism, they get dropped into actual 'Nam and that's where the real trouble begins.  Stiller's character does not believe it's all real until it's way too late.  Jack Black (who channels both Eddie Murphy and Chris Farley) is a big-time comedy star/drug fiend who's in need of a new high.  Robert Downey Jr is a white Australian portraying an African-American who "doesn't break character until the dvd commentary".  You can see why things might go wrong.  Each does a great job at giving their all here and TROPIC THUNDER is a success because no one steps on each others' toes.

At this point you may have heard that Tom Cruise is in this film.  It's true and I'm not spoiling anything by telling you it's far more than a cameo appearance, it's a full-blown supporting role (as is that of Matthew McConaughey as Stiller's devoted agent).  The part seems inflated to give Cruise room to play and the film doesn't suffer for it.  He's clearly having a good time and the audience can enjoy him in what is far from his normal on-screen presence.

Downey Jr. steals the film.  Each scene, each line of dialogue, he owns it.  That's a big deal for a guy in a comedy filled with stars like this one.  He's had such a comeback year and has risen above his former drug problems; his is a success worth cheering. [Go back and watch his performance as CHAPLIN while you're at it and see how great he's been over the years.]

There is plenty mentioned about "going full retard" and it's gotten heat from mental disability groups denouncing the film.  I understand their disapproval and I agree that the usage in the film is surely a bit much, especially when "Simple Jack" returns later in the story.  A rated-R comedy is going to offend someone somehow, it's just surprising that Downey's "blackface" hasn't drawn the same storm.

The film is packed with excitement as Stiller proves he can direct action.  There's also a ton of personalities in all corners of this movie (not just the aformentioned stars, but also a grizzled Nick Nolte, the raucous upcomer Danny McBride, British comic Steve Coogan, and other cameos I will not spoil).  It all comes together quite well and if you're looking for a big-time comedy to finish off the summer movie season, TROPIC THUNDER is decidedly it.

8/18/2008 09:00:24 am

This was, by far and away, the funniest movie I have seen in ages! We laughed till we couldn't breathe! When I saw it, I did NOT know that Tom Cruise was in it and I am not totally sure I would have recognized him! Good synopsis, Jeff! Keep up the good work!


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